Bible Reading Marathon


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Come –

Be captivated by Christ’s love through a unique, public reading

of the Holy Bible.



Bible Reading Marathon of the New Testament non-stop




May 5th (Wed)  at 2:00 pm THROUGH

May 6th (Thurs.) at 10:00 am


(Ending in time to join the Noon NDP Prayer Rally at the Tuscola County Courthouse.)




Tuscola House of Hope – 102 Joy Street – Caro


You are invited 

to be part of a unique, public Bible Reading Marathon to bless our City and Nation.


 Join believers who will gather to read the Holy Bible aloud from beginning to end of the New Testament. 

Bring family and friends to read and listen.


Reserve your reading time by clicking on the “Sign Up to Read” link.


A Community-Wide event

The public is invited to listen as well as read the entire New Testament (non-stop) leading up to be 70th Annual Observance of the Nation Day of Prayer.  It takes approximately 20 hours from beginning to end.  Churches and Youth Groups are invited to take a 2-hour time slot (which would be eight readers from your group).


Reading Format

Everyone is encouraged to participate in the reading (from age 5 to 100+ years old).

Readers may schedule a 15-minute reading time.  Experienced readers may desire to read as long as 30 minutes at a time. However, our primary goal is to have as many different people join as possible.  Some have taken a 15-minute slot and had several of their children read back and forth as a family.  Some have read longer during the early morning hours when there are fewer people around.

We will be broadcast live on the internet during the entire 20 hour event.  So please encourage your friends and family to listen in while you and/or your church group reads.


Praise and Worship

An opening ceremony of praise and worship will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday preceding the reading that begins at 2:15 p.m.  We read from Matthew 1:1 through the last verse in Revelation.  Everyone who is present at the end of the Bible Reading Marathon (at 10:00 am. on Thursday) will read the last chapter together in unison.  There will also be communion at midnight for anyone who would wish to remember the Lord’s Table.


Bibles Available on Site



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This site is not affiliated with the government of Tuscola County, Michigan. This site is sponsored by The Lighthouse, Inc. and is for the sole purpose of disseminating information for the Christian community of Tuscola County.